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4 Park Avenue, PO Box 1

Arkport, NY 14807


Birth and Death records are available from 1885 to the present. All Birth and Death Certificates issued are certified with an official raised seal. The cost is $10 for a certified copy or $22 for a genealogical record (cash or check payable to Town of Hornellsville, or credit card with processing fee).

Please note: Due to a change in Town boundaries and facility location, records from St. James Mercy Hospital and Bathesda may be located elsewhere. Please refer to the list at the bottom of this page to verify the municipality that may hold the desired record.

Certified Birth/Death Certificates

Who is eligible to obtain a copy of a Birth Record?

  • The person named on the birth certificate.

  • A parent of the person named on the birth certificate (requesting parent's name must be listed on the birth certificate.)

  • Only by order of a New York State Court or a Government agency for a legal or proper purpose may a spouse, child or other persons obtain a copy of a birth certificate.

  • If you have custody of a minor under the age of 18, you will need custody papers that are no older than 6 months otherwise you must obtain an updated copy from the court.

  • NYS Court Order


Who is eligible to obtain a copy of a Death Record?

The informant, surviving spouse, parent, child or sibling of the deceased – child and sibling must prove relationship with birth certificate.


Identification Requirements

Application must be submitted with copies of either A or B:

A. One (1) of the following forms of valid photo ID:

  • Driver’s license with photo

  • Non-driver photo ID card

  • Passport

  • Nexus Pass

  • Pistol Permit

  • Other government issued photo ID

B. Five (5) of the following showing the applicant's name and address:

  • A utility bill (gas, electric, phone, cable)

  • Current Paycheck stubs

  • Social Services card

  • Health Insurance card

  • Mortgage/Rental lease statement


Requesting a Record

In Person: You must provide government issued photo ID.  The fee is $10 per certificate payable by check, money order, cash or credit card with processing fee.


Via Internet: For your convenience, you may process online requests through VitalChek Network, Inc. an independent company. They can be reached either online at or by phone at 800-255-2414. VitalChek charges an additional fee for using their service. They accept all major credit cards. The Town of Hornellsville is not responsible for the operation of this service. VitalChek assumes all liability.


Via Mail: Orders are processed within 3-5 days from receipt of mail request. The following information must be included:

  1. Application for Certified Copy of Birth/Death

  2. A self addressed stamped envelope

  3. Check or Money order payable to the Hornellsville Town Clerk ($10 per certificate)

  4. Copy of a valid government issued ID

  5. Proof of address if the address on the ID provided is incorrect

  6. Mail requested information to:

Town of Hornellsville

Vital Records
PO Box 1
Arkport, NY 14807

What is a lawful right or claim to obtain a copy of a Death Record?

If the applicant is not the spouse, parent, child or sibling of the decedent, a lawful right or claim must be documented. An example of a lawful right or claim would be a death record needed by the applicant to claim a benefit. Documentation would consist of an official letter from the agency verifying that to process the claim they require from the applicant a copy of the requested death record.

Attorney Copies of Death Records 

Requests for death certificate copies by lawyers must be submitted on letterhead with check payable to the Hornellsville Town Clerk with a self addressed stamped envelope.

Genealogy Records

Birth: Record must be at least 75 years old. The subject of the genealogy search must be deceased, as proven by the death certificate provided by the applicant. Birth Records starting in 1878 are available.

Death: Record must be at least 50 years old. Death Records starting with the year 1852 are available.


Genealogy Research Fee

The standard fee for a genealogy copy is $22.00. This includes a copy of the certificate, a three-year search of the index, and either a copy of the record or a no record found. When more than a three-year search is requested, the fee is higher.


If we are unable to locate the record, a No Record Found Certification will be issued. You are NOT entitled to a refund.

Where is the record I'm searching for kept?
Bathesda Hospital:  In the early 1900's Bathesda Hospital was established in what is now know as the Village of North Hornell. In 1917 they officially opened at a location on Chambers Street that had been used as a hotel/clubhouse. On June 14, 1924 the portion of Hornellsville currently known as the Village of North Hornell became the Incorporated Village. By doing this, all new records created inside the boundaries of the Village would be maintained by the Registrar of the Village of North Hornell.  In 1960, having outgrown their facility on Chambers Street a new single story facility was built on Bathesda Drive, but by 1985 they
 were forced to close their doors. 

St. James Mercy Hospital: St. James Mercy Health was established on 02/13/1890 in an old farmhouse on Canisteo Street in the City of Hornell. They remained in that location serving the residents of Hornell and surrounding areas until 03/17/2020 when they opened the doors to the new St. James on Seneca Road in the Town of Hornellsville.

Town of Hornellsville – Bathesda Records from the early 1900’s – 06/14/1924

Village of North Hornell – Bathesda Records from 06/14/1924 – 1985

City of Hornell – St. James Records from 02/13/1890 – 03/16/2020

Town of Hornellsville – St. James Records 03/17/2020 – Present

Freedom of Information Law (FOIL)

Birth/Death certificates are not subject to the provisions of the Freedom of Information Law (FOIL) and are NOT open to public inspection.

Town Clerk Office Hours

Monday: 12:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Tuesday: 9:00 am - 3:00 pm

Wednesday: 9:00 am - 3:00 pm

Thursday: 12:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Assessor's Office - 607-295-7758

Code Enforcement - 607-295-7768

Highway Dept - 607-324-0106

Town Clerk - 607-295-9660

Town Court - 607-295-8207

Assessor's Office Hours 

Thursday: 9:00 am - 3:00 pm

Summer: By Appointment

Code Enforcement

 Thursday: 2:00 pm - 7:00 pm

© 2020 Town of Hornellsville

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