Dog Control
Deb Matthews
Term Exp. 12/31/2025
Office: 585-384-9501
Cell Phone: 607-661-0727
Animal Control
The Dog Control Officer (DCO) is responsible for all dog control and enforcement in the Town of Hornellsville. Dogs that are seized by the DCO, whose owners reside in the Town of Hornellsville must provide proof of a valid dog license and proof of current rabies vaccination before they can be released back to their owner. Owner's are also responsible for all associated fees that are incurred upon seizer.
Duties of the Dog Control Officer include:
Securing at-large dogs
Serving owner's appearance tickets for failure to license their dog
Investigating reports of abandoned animals
Investigating cases of cruelty or neglect
Dangerous dogs and related ordinances
Enforcing applicable Agriculture & Markets Laws
Enforcing the Town of Hornellsville Dog Control Ordinance
For more information on licensing your dog please click here.
Is Your Dog License Valid?
If not, please contact our office immediately. Our Dog Control Officer has been instructed to issue appearance tickets to those who have repeatedly ignored our written requests to renew. Licensing is required under Agriculture and Markets Law Article 7.