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7756 Industrial Park Road

Hornell, NY 14843

Highway Department

Jason Emo, Highway Superintendent

Term Exp: 12/31/2027

Dale Olin, Deputy Superintendent

Office: 607-324-0106

Cell: 607-382-1607


Mike Bracken, Dan McMahon, and Brenton Mullen



The Town, being a large rural township, has fifty-three (53) miles of roads and bridges that are repaired and maintained by the Highway Crew. The mission of the Highway Department includes, but is not limited to efficiently and effectively managing the care and maintenance of the Town's road infrastructure, providing for safe and convenient passage by residents and non-residents.

Responsibilities & Services

  • Plow snow and spread ice control on Town roads.

  • Storm clean up (northeasters, flooding, etc.)

  • Street Maintenance: Including pothole repair, patching, crack sealing, milling, base repair, paving, guide-rail installation and repair along Town roads.

  • Sweep up loose gravel and debris on Town roads

  • Drainage Maintenance: Including cleaning and reshaping roadside ditches and repairing damaged drainage structures, 

  • Mow along the Town's right-of-way (ROW).

  • Trim & remove trees & branches in the ROW that interfere with safe vehicle operation and/or visibility.

  • Maintain culverts along Town Roads.

  • Maintain department equipment to accomplish assigned tasks.

  • Maintain, repair and/or replace damaged or missing Town signs.

  • Removal of dead animals in the Towns ROW.


The Highway Department consists of five (5) full time employees including the Superintendent. The department operates and maintains a fleet of vehicles, including trucks and a variety of heavy construction equipment. The amount and types of equipment used by the Highway Department is a result of the variety and types of work undertaken.

Inclement Weather

Clearing snow from fifty-three (53) miles or 106 lane miles of Town roadways is no easy task. The crew needs your assistance to help do the best snow removal job possible. When snow is predicted, please move your cars off the street where possible. Shovel snow to the right of the driveway apron (as you face the street) so plows do not push the snow back in front of your driveway. Putting snow or any other type of debris in the road is prohibited. If you have a fire hydrant in front of your home, it is your responsibility to remove the snow to allow access for our Fire Companies.

Your cooperation in this matter is greatly appreciated and it will enable the Highway Department to maintain a high quality of service and safety for the public and department employees.

Mailbox Guidelines

A mailbox with the Postmaster General's (PMG) seal of approval meets USPS size and construction standards. If you build your own mailbox or buy a custom-made one, it must meet the PMG standards. Show your local postmaster your mailbox plans or your custom-made box for approval.

Placing the Mailbox:

  • Position your mailbox 41" - 45" from the road surface to the bottom of the mailbox or point of mail entry.

  • Place your mailbox 6" to 8" back from the curb. If you do not have a raised curb, contact your local postmaster for guidance.

  • Put your house or apartment number on the mailbox.

  • If your mailbox is on a different street from your house or apartment, put your full street address on the box.

Installing the Mailbox Post:

The best mailbox supports are stable but bend or fall away if a car hits them. The Federal Highway Administration recommends:

  • A 4″ x 4″ wooden support or a 2″-diameter standard steel or aluminum pipe.

  • Avoid unyielding and potentially dangerous supports, like heavy metal pipes, concrete posts, and farm equipment (e.g., milk cans filled with concrete).

  • Bury your post no more than 24″ deep.

For all other questions or concerns regarding placement, please contact your local postmaster for guidance or click here for more information on mailbox installation and standards.

Town Clerk Office Hours

Monday: 12:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Tuesday: 9:00 am - 3:00 pm

Wednesday: 9:00 am - 3:00 pm

Thursday: 12:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Assessor's Office - 607-295-7758

Code Enforcement - 607-295-7768

Highway Dept - 607-324-0106

Town Clerk - 607-295-9660

Town Court - 607-295-8207

Assessor's Office Hours 

Thursday: 9:00 am - 3:00 pm

Summer: By Appointment

Code Enforcement

 Thursday: 2:00 pm - 7:00 pm

© 2020 Town of Hornellsville

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